⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gaia is undergoing one of her greatest shifts right now ⚜️⚜️⚜️
Our beautiful planet is fully cooperating with the cosmic currents of birthing new realities.
She is gently transforming by welcoming new energies into her own electromagnetic field to facilitate this most graceful evolution timeline for all sentient beings to explore and experience.
From the beginning of April, we as a collective are going through an upgrade of our individual Fields and many energetic structures that are essential for the fulfillment of our mission on this planet.
There are extremely high cosmic energy transmissions entering the planetary grid network from the current solar symbiosis.
This process activates the surfacing process for personal observation and collective consciousness clearing of outdated programs.
To welcome and allow the shift to take place effortlessly, our physical, mental, and emotional bodies must be very still and quiet.
So this means that now is a time to take space for yourself to fully receive and rest to integrate.
Holding the neutral zero point is what allows us to integrate with our spiritual higher frequency and merge into the organic sequences of Golden DNA activation, which offers a quantum leap of consciousness growth into spiritual freedom.
When Gaia receives upgrades and calibrations within her inner core, we, as channels and vessels for transformation, are invited to stay open and receptive for the process of crystallization to take place.
By lovingly observing outdated energies, that are arising to be released, we can access a deeper understanding of our own nature and of those who are around us.
As we continually learn about ourselves and our connection to the universe, our perception of reality gets rewritten, enabling the dormant aspects of our own spirit to come online.
Our galactic teams and families of light from celestial and golden realms are assisting us during this shift and are gradually revealing to humanity, codes and programs that initiate more accelerated pathways of ascension.
As those choosing accelerated evolution and ascension paths are the ones facilitating revolutionary change and anchoring Heavenly Realms into the physical and energetic form of Gaia.✨
The balance of creation is always perfect.
When we receive effortlessly -we share and express effortlessly.
To resonate with the frequency of ease our Spiritual families are offering us sessions of contact and experiences where we get to bask our system in divine love and joy.
So we can remember what heaven feels like and co-create new realities based on love and bliss as the reference point.
For those who are recognizing the gentle nudging of the spirit to step into more personal power, embody abundance, receive quantum activations, and travel into golden and celestial realms to reconnect with pure frequencies of love and bliss….
We invite you to join our upcoming incredible free online event when you shall travel to the Celestial & Golden Realms for you to receive a Higher Mission Initiation and enter the next timelines of your evolution and services with a deeper embodiment of love, abundance, and your souls higher libraries of light.
Please click here for all the details and to register your spot:
Much love, light & abundance,
Polina & Gaby 💛