We are never alone, & we knew before we came here, that we are part of a massive family of light who supports and loves us every step of the way πŸ’›β£
We came here to co-create with each other, ⁣
With our higher selves, ⁣
With our Soul/Star families, ⁣
With benevolent beings of light in the multiverse & ⁣
With Source Consciousness πŸ™πŸ’«β£
To co-create a beautiful life, and a loving world 🫢⁣
The more co-creation codes we embody, the more we consciously re-connect with our family of light in physical & non-physical worlds and that is when life becomes even more delicious, abundant and effortless πŸ’«πŸ₯°β£
We were never meant to do it on our own πŸ™β£
This video is a co-creation with my dear friend Polina, we felt to share codes of divine co-creation from our heart to yours and so recorded this for anyone who would love to expand their family of light πŸ’›β£
Choose 5D⁣
Much love ⁣
Gaby πŸ’›β£