For many souls who have chosen ascension, this month has been and still is, a bit intense physically, emotionally, and/or mentally. 💛

This is because we are shifting into our next timelines together, and those timelines require us to be even more sovereign, loving, and abundant in our consciousness.

So, I felt called to share my road map for integrating the Lions Gate upgrades and frequencies. Actually, this is my road map for ALL upgrades. 💛

No matter what is happening…

Choose love and abundance to guide you through your integration and realities.

Much of what is NOT FUN that comes up during Lions Gate integration is due to “multi-dimensional” upgrades. We are only perceiving the tiny tip of the iceberg at any given moment of the NOT FUN.

So, if challenges come up during this time, remember that they are just the tip of your multi-dimensional iceberg, and sooooo much is shifting across your many, many versions of self.

If you feel any:

  • Fear
  • Righteousness
  • Judgement
  • Frustration
  • Scarcity
  • Anger
  • Sadness

Choose the light of compassion and forgiveness, and you shall shift into your new timelines much, much faster. 💛

Last year, Polina and I recorded a powerful podcast where we guided everyone through a process to shift timelines more gracefully.

In this Channeled Higher Timeline Initiation, we took everyone through a deep forgiveness process.

You may be surprised at how many of us have more to forgive, both subconsciously and consciously.

Forgiveness truly is an advanced timeline-shifting technology, and if you feel ready to shift into your new timelines and are open to deep forgiveness of self and others, here is access to this powerful episode. 💛🫶💛

– Legacy of Light: Shifting Timelines Podcast –

Much love and big integration hugs,
Gaby 💛