There are various gridwork missions on our beloved planet & I felt to share about these today…

Before I do, I also wanted to clarify for those who may like to know…what grids are. 😊
Grids are the quantum architecture behind the physical reality we experience.

We literally exist within quantum grids.
And the grids we exist in can either resonate with us or not 🙃

If we are in a grid of low resonance, for example in a town where the frequency is lower than our own…

Over time, we experience massive discomfort & or/disease/misalignment emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually & multi-dimensionally.

Yet most of us were not taught to see and scan grids for alignment in our daily lives, and we can find ourselves in the grids created by our ancestors, friends, family, society, and social media.

Each existing grid has its own sacred geometry & is formed within the confines of its dimensional density.

3D grids are formed with in duality & linear time & co- creation with our identity (ego).

4D grids are formed within duality & circular time & co- creation with our identity (ego) across many lifetimes.

5D grids are formed in unity with our soul and conscious co-creation with other souls.

7D grids are formed in unity with all life & ecosystems & co-creation with all sentient consciousness on our planet.

✨ (there is SOOOO much more to these 3D-4D-5D-7D grid structures, yet I wish to just focus on these aspects for the purpose of this blog post ) ✨

And this means that if we exist within a 3D mission grid, we can experience things like; the duality of ups & downs – failure & success, competition, comparison, and a sense of ‘ not enough time’ in our missions.

If we Instead choose to reside in a 5D mission grid, we can experience the unity that all others who serve in similar ways are on the same team & mission as us.

In a 5D mission grid, we can experience ‘soul time’, a way to relate to time from our soul perspective.

Soul Time can have us look at our missions over countless lifetimes and know that this life is one of many, and we have ALL the lifetimes in the universe to fulfill our soul’s desires and purpose 😊

A 7D grid, has us co-create with Gaia, our soul, and Source light in one unified field.

And by Gaia I mean ALL sentient ecosystems, plants, animals, elements…

7D allows for Network Consciousness and being connected to ALL life & living in harmony.

Our NEW EARTH is not a 5D grid, it is a 7D grid, & moving from 3D to 5D is part of the journey 💛

I trust this shows a little example of residing in different grids 😊✨

Some of us are here to restore & repair the “The Higher Dimensional” crystalline & golden grids on our planet…

Some of us are here to create new “Higher Dimensional” crystalline & golden grids and anchor them into the quantum architecture of Gaia.

Some us of are here to hold the new grids and initiate others into them, & that means we choose to reside in the new grids even if most of humanity is not ready to join us, & we stay there until the grids anchor and are embodied by Gaia & others feel safe to leave their old grids and ascend into the new ✨

Some of us are here to do all 3 of these grid work missions ✨✨✨✨

I felt to share a little about this as this week I am running a free global event where I am sharing a NEW 7D grid with the world 🥰

It is a grid to grow our Mission Empires in beyond the 3D business grids.

A grid coded with your unique soul codes and imprinted with your Highest Soul Mission upon Gaia.

This grid has Missioned souls stabilized into our most loving and abundant timelines within 5D & beyond consciousness.

This grid is a multi-dimensional Mission Grid, coded with abundance & your soul light & replaces the business grid for those who are in resonance to shift grids 💛✨

It holds the architecture to grow our mission empire of light in abundance, unity, soul alignment & divine co-creation with Gaia & Source ✨😊

I have held this grid for the past few years & worked within it with the souls in my New Earth Mission Collective program, & now is the time when soooo many souls are ready to have it as an option to choose from that I am sharing it for free with the world 💛✨

Yet in full disclaimer, it is for the souls who have already done a lot of inner work & choose love as their guiding force ✨💛✨

If you are one of the 343 souls who have registered for this event, YAY!! I’m so excited you are joining us for this awesome global grid work ✨🥳💛

And if you would like to know more & join us live or via the replay, please click here:

Much love & abundance,
Gaby 🫶