We didn’t come to Change the World… We came to create a NEW ONE! 🫶

For the first time ever, I shall be delivering a 3 day channeled event sharing…

The Codes That Create Worlds 💫

These are the most powerful codes I have the honor to share with those who are here to co-create new realities and new timelines of existence 🫶

Please watch the video and feel if receiving these codes, tools and skills to create timelines, realities & worlds, shall spark an excitement in your field.

📍 The event shall be delivered Live in Melbourne, Australia & Live Streamed around the world.

📅 Dates: 5th, 6th & 7th Dec 2022

This event is part of the New Earth Mission Collective and welcomes the souls who have chosen love and abundance as your guiding force.

✨ This event invites you to learn how to create alternate timelines outside of the human collective creation of timelines in current realities.


✨ How to construct alternate realities of higher abundance & love and anchor into them, letting go of old realities with greater grace and effortlessness.

This is how we create and stabilize the New Earth we came to co-create!!

Please click the link below to find out more, and to book a private Zoom call about this course 🫶: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💛