I was born in Poland in 1978, and during that time in history, Poland was under Communist rule.

Now, Communism in theory sounded great, but in practice, it totally sucked. 🙈

Soldiers roamed the streets, shooting at people out past curfew, food was rationed, and there were long queues for almost everything.

My courageous parents fled the country when I was 5 so I could have a better life, and we lived in a refugee camp for close to a year awaiting Australia’s offer us asylum.

In short, I was not born into abundance; in fact, ‘scarcity & slave coding’ flowed through my little being in bucket loads.

So how did I shift this?

I re-coded myself with abundance.

Each soul has abundance within their DNA, yet not all of us have activated this.

Today, I felt called to share some powerful ways I coded luxury into my blueprint and every atom of my physical being 🫶

Ten years ago, I had a dream to travel the world, and to do it flying Business Class & First Class.

Yet business class was a good 4x the price of economy and felt like a lot to spend on flights when I could just endure the 20 hours of horrible discomfort and save thousands.

I knew this perspective was not the one I wished to keep, so here’s what I did:

I purchased my first business class flight from Melbourne to Bali in 2016. It was only a 6-hour flight, and the ticket was $2000.

I still remember the discomfort in paying 4x for the flight and my mind questioning my methods.

Yet I chose to coach my mind through it and let it know that this was an investment in our abundance embodiment and would pay off in more ways than we could see right now.

I got on the flight and sat in my business class pod, scanning all the little touches of luxury: the large TV, the super comfortable reclining chair that converted into a bed, the storage sections, and a cosmetic gift bag filled with lots of goodies.

I already loved it here so much, yet in truth, I felt a little like an imposter. My inner poor kid felt like I shouldn’t be here.

The attendant, dressed in a black suit, offered me champagne. Not just any champagne—he first presented me with a little menu, and I got to choose a champagne.

Then we took off, and I was present with each minute of the experience, allowing it to code me and de-code any tiny parts that didn’t feel like I belonged.

For the whole 6 hours, I opened my atoms and received the codes of the experience.

The 3-course dinner came, and it was truly 4-5 star restaurant quality.

The white tablecloth and little candle they placed on my fold-out table complemented the silverware and porcelain plates.

Watching a movie while laying all rugged up in my blanket with an extra pillow, I thought to myself, “I want to fly this way always!”

When I landed in Bali, I landed as a new version of myself—not because I flew business class, but because I spent 6 hours fully receiving it.

Over the years, I have flown countless business class & first-class flights, and now I truly do not see economy for long distances as an option.

Full disclosure: timelines of me flying economy (long distance) do not exist.

I no longer see business class as 4x the price of economy.

I see business class prices as simply the price of the flight, and economy as like being strapped to the wings, in my perspective, meaning I see it as cruel to humans. I envision a New World where no one needs to suffer in economy for 20 hours flying around Gaia 🫶🤣

Seriously, I won’t even let Ryan fly economy long distance because I feel it’s inhumane 🤣🤣

I share this because we ALL experience the quality of life we are coded for, and we all can re-code ourselves if we deeply desire it and are courageous enough to place ourselves in environments with the codes we desire.

I truly believe abundance is our true state, and when our abundance codes are de-active and invisible to us, we miss out on being our fully activated self!

I have been devoted to activating abundance within my field for over 25 years.

And I so appreciate that my devotion led me to not only find how to activate myself, but how to activate others.

I now dedicate part of my mission to sharing these powerful ‘higher realm abundance codes’ with those who are ready to evolve and receive.

If you would love to be in an environment where you receive abundance initiations 24/7 for 4 months straight, I invite you to claim one of the final spots for Codex of Abundance.

We begin 2nd September with a 4-day event (live or online) and continue with fortnightly online activations and initiations of your Golden DNA.

Click this link for full details and how to apply:

Much love & abundance,
Gaby 💛