I believe with all my heart that the Missioned Souls on Earth (AKA 5D Business Creators) are meant to be abundant!

Abundance allows us to create a New World, because we have the resources that we need to make our visions a reality.

I’m currently in North Queensland, Australia, as I was guided here to look at land to build of 5D Temple of Light … & guess what?

I found it ☺️

64 hectares of Rain forest and an organic fruit farm with over 30 different types of fruit growing in abundance 🍈🍉🍑🍌🥥🌴

An amazing slice of heaven on earth that shall become the first “Oneness Temple of Light” & Magic Camp for kids.

I hold a vision in my heart to have 5D temples of light all over the world & each one has a retreat center that runs a “Magic Camp” for kids & teens.

✨ A place they can come to learn how to connect with the plant kingdoms and play with fairies in the forest.

✨ A place for creating amazing relationships with their body, emotions, mind & soul.

✨ A place to explore the quantum field with guidance and receive 5D codes of creation & Abundance.

✨ A place that has them grow up to be 5D leaders and co-create a New Earth!!

Our horses shall have special saddles with memory foam cushions for comfort & Swarovski crystal horns attached to the face halter, so they look like unicorns 🦄

We shall have quad bikes to ride around the amazing, huge rain forest.

And they can swim in the natural water hall river, and eat organic fruit and veg.

If you know with all your heart that you are here to have a 5D business that creates the Golden Age of Existence…

& you are deeply called to leave a golden legacy that brings in a New Earth, please keep reading… I am about to run an event in the New Earth Mission Collective.

It’s called:

The Round Table & New Earth Leadership”

3 Day Live Event
Live & Live-streamed: 6th, 7th & 8th of June 2022

This is the 5D codex of the Divine Goddess and the Divine Empress & allows us to fully shift into versions of self that leads from light and receives full support from our team, the councils of light and beyond.

This codex allows us to build a New Earth with all the resources and people showing up in divine timing and full alignment.

The 5D Leadership Codex creates an Abundant Empire of Service, with a full infrastructure to support a 7+ figure Empire of Light, to run smoothly and effortlessly, while providing extraordinary service and offerings to the world.

In the New Earth Mission Collective, there are 4 more events over a 12-month journey, along with private sessions, weekly webinars & quantum upgrades done on your beautiful field over a full 12 months.

Events on:

💫 Abundance Codes

💫 Quantum Marketing

💫 Timeline Guidance (new earth sales)

💫 Codes that Create Worlds & 5D Ascension

This is the most advanced offering I have and is for souls who are building & scaling 5D empires & co-creating a New Golden Age of Existence on Earth.

If you are feeling the call to leave a soul legacy of light on Earth, please click here to continue the conversation & book a phone chat to see if this profound and amazing journey is for you: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

Choose Heart Consciousness.
Choose 5D.
Much Love,
Gaby 💜