Imagine a world with me, where living an abundant, free & sovereign life, is the status quo 🙏⁣

Abundance Codes are made of pure crystalline light & increase our light quota and capacity to stabilize into high frequencies that match the realities and timelines of our deepest soul desires and dreams 💛✨⁣

For the first time ever, I have the honor to share a codex that is profound, beautiful and powerful.⁣

A Codex of Higher Dimensional & Higher Realm Abundance codes, that activate our innate abilities to create realities of our sovereign & divine choosing 🙏✨⁣

We are each a powerful fractal of Source Consciousness & Creation is as easy as breathing… when we remember how 🙏⁣

The Codex of Abundance takes you on a journey into your multidimensionality and the extraction of 3D & 4D templates of duality, scarcity, slave codes and templates, to allow you to receive the 5D & beyond Codex Of Abundance with greater grace and joy.⁣


You shall meet the living consciousness of Abundance in the quantum and have super powerful ‘quantum relationship coaching’, this will have you align with the abundant co-creation of alternate realities that is available to all souls.⁣

You shall repair your connection to the soul of Divine Abundance & receive 5D templates for co creation, to create alternate realities outside the 3D & 4D grids of duality⁣


Expand your relationship with the 5 aspects of Divine Money, to call in a higher frequency of receiving money resources & enjoying them to the fullest.⁣

Plus, deactivation of the main scarcity programs that block humanity from receiving & shifting into more abundant realities in all aspects of life.⁣


You shall be invited to leave the 3D/4D money & power matrix by dismantling hierarchy templates & dependency on the preexisting system that feeds ‘ego money spending’, and has so many souls working hard and chasing money to fit into society.⁣


You shall access more of your divine channel to allow for soul aligned creation, which guides you on how to spend and invest your money & time to code your reality with the next layers of abundance & shift you into higher timelines.⁣

Welcoming you to embody your god/goddess creator codes, repair the freedom sovereignty templates, and anchor you into the highest expressions of abundance available, no matter what’s going on in the realities created by the human collective.⁣

💎 And So Much More…⁣

“The Codex of Abundance”⁣

Click the link for full details and how to apply:

Choose Heart Consciousness.⁣
Choose 5D.⁣
Much Love, ⁣
Gaby 💜