There are three levels of mission ascension in service to others.

When we ascend to Level Three, we embody and channel our souls’ higher libraries of light and fulfill the soul missions we came here for.

Here, we truly access our highest and most abundant realities and timelines, where our missions flow with grace and we enjoy them beyond words 🫶

Yet, ascending to Level 3 is a profound journey of evolution, expansion, and soul embodiment.

✨ Level One: Visionary Entrepreneurship

Level one of Leadership Ascension in the Mission to Serve Others can be named: Visionary Entrepreneurship. In short, it is creating incredible services/products for the world that change the world for the better 🫶

This leadership & mission journey has us co-create in the physical plane of existence, offering innovations that are channeled from our soul gifts and soul genius.

It takes courage and passion to offer innovation and “the new” to the world and stand by it until it anchors and is part of the “new normal” for others.

Leading a movement or being the creator of a unique offering/service is a powerful ascension journey. Level One is a co-creation with the people and their needs/desires.

✨ Level Two: Gaia Mission

This is where we truly, in every atom of our being, care for our planet & all life upon it.

At this level, we can still be operating in Level One and serving others with our offerings, yet the playground changes and expands beyond imagining. Here, we have already activated much of our heart’s intelligence and embodied a very high quota of love, light, and abundance into our field.

At Level 2, we co-create with Gaia and serve her divine ascension with a loving and full heart.

Our channel goes through huge upgrades so we can receive guidance from her directly & either create offerings for the world that support Gaia’s highest timelines and ascension and/or be sent on gridwork and portal work missions around the planet.

In short, level 2 is a full co-creation with the highest consciousness of Gaia & to access this level we require to embody a large quota of LOVE & ABUNDANCE.

✨ Level Three: Universe Mission

This is where our capacity to LOVE expands beyond just our planet, and we fully experience our universe as the center of our heart.

Here, our channel once again undergoes many upgrades so we can channel and co-create with Source Light & serve the evolution and ascension of our beloved universe.

Here, we find ourselves on gridwork missions in the Quantum upon other planets and in other galaxies, serving the full expansion of love in our whole universe.

This level of mission ascension is embodied by the Councils of Light and Celestial and Golden realms that many souls channel information and guidance from; they serve us here on Earth now during our ascension because Humanity’s ascension is serving the whole universe to ascend.

They do this with full love & joy in their hearts, as this is simply their level of embodied Higher Consciousness.

As we continue to evolve and ascend as Missioned souls, we are taking the journey to level 3 embodiment where we truly co-create with Source Light to bring in the expansion of Love, Light & Abundance in our Universe.

Our Consciousness lets go of 3D & 4D constructs, codes, technology…
And evolves into 5D, 6D & 7D.
5D truly is just the beginning of our evolution journey here with Gaia.

Once we embody mainly 5D, we continue to 6D & 7D & this is where our Higher Missions Activate 💛

Here is a little summary of the upgrades we undergo to be in our highest timelines of Mission & Leadership:

  • 5D consciousness upgrades: these are the layers of Soul Embodiment & becoming a multidimensional being. Here, we embody that the physical and non-physical are one (the beginning of unity consciousness).
  • 6D consciousness upgrades: these are layers of remembering how to form realities, timelines, and worlds in co-creation with your light team (the beginning of Creator Consciousness in co-creation with Source Light).
  • 7D consciousness upgrades: these are the layers of true unity consciousness & being one with all life on our planet (where the dream of a free and abundant planet becomes reality).

And so, Leadership Ascension & the embodiment of our Higher Missions place us upon pathways of advanced ascension.

These pathways lead us to Channel Gaia & Source with great precision and co-create not only a New & Loving planet, they lead us to co-create a new even more loving universe 💛

If you are feeling the call of your next expansion in mission & leadership and feel a resonance to work together, you will love Eternal Code! A 7-month journey into level 2 & 3 Mission Embodiment.

This includes:

⚜️ 15-night retreat in Greece.
⚜️ 13 Quantum Coaching & Embodiment of Higher Realm Webinars.
⚜️ Private trance-channeled sessions with Polina and private channeled sessions with Gaby.
⚜️ A membership website with pre-work and all recordings of our retreat, webinars, and private sessions for lifetime access.

Please click the link below to find out more & book a call with us:

Eternal Code:

Much love,