From the beginning of known times, there have been those who had visions, dreams, and excitement about creating changes, bringing innovations, and transforming matrices.

Those who came before us created a supportive grid for us to incarnate now and continue bridging realms of energy and matter.

Yet what if you knew that it was you who walked upon this Earth as a soul engaged in history-changing events or who channeled healing modalities that shifted millions of beings from negative dynamics to peace within and around?

What if it was you who spoke words of love to the masses and showed the way of light in times of ignorance and fear?

What if it was you who taught humanity not to be afraid, to prosper, love, and blossom in authentic power, nature, and love?

Or were you one of those souls who visited Earth during bifurcation cycles, seedings of souls, or during times when Gaia was forming her consciousness for a profound journey of ascension?

Many times we have all been here, walking the pathways of ascension, paving the way for others, and accumulating wisdom, codes, and evolving as energetic fields.

Multiple times we have ascended fully into the light of spirit in many cosmic locations and beyond.

We are here now, together as one big family representing the realm of living light of eternal masters. We have Angelic and Galactic teams, Saints, Ascended Masters, Quantum Elements, and much more in our DNA and by our side.

This life is a continuation of what we have started in other realities, bringing all aspects of self and the collective field to ascend together as one consciousness.

⚜️If you recognize the source intelligence speaking and working through you.
⚜️if your heart is full of devotion towards merging with the soul and source.
⚜️if you feel the call to take your awareness to the next level, activate the memory seed atom within your quantum DNA, and step into your sacred leadership.

Polina and I invite you to join our powerful sacred leadership retreat and program called “Eternal Code.”

Here, your system will be mentored by Ra, Advanced Star Nations, Saints, and Archangels to support you in remembering your divine self as a leader of light and a catalyst for grand shifts in the collective consciousness.

⚜️The journey starts on June 26th⚜️

To join the Eternal Code retreat, book an exploration call with me or Polina to channel your highest timelines of ascension and leadership embodiment, secure your spot, and travel with us to the sacred land of the gods for 15 nights.

Eternal Code is a sacred semi-private energetic container where you will work with me, Polina, and the Eternal Code Light Team with great precision in your entire system to activate the highest potential of your mission.

🫶 Please click the link below to receive more info and to reserve your spot:

The entire Light Team of Eternal Code is streaming unconditional love into your field.

May it guide you into your full liberation, power, and majesty of your eternal self.

With love,
Gaby 💛