We welcome you on a profound journey of sacred leadership ascension and the embodiment of your divine celestial and god/goddess avatars.

We shall travel to Ikaria, Greece, into an ancient ascension portal created by the golden god/goddess realm, and co-create with libraries of light that are new to our planet.

Each soul shall receive advanced initiations to open and channel new libraries of light and anchor the new architecture of Gaia.

This ascension journey is a divine mission with Gaia & Source and calls you into the profound expansion of your soul embodiment to co-create in building the new structure of our beloved planet, and in turn co-create the evolution and ascension of our universe.

Each soul shall receive advanced initiations to open and channel new libraries of light and anchor the new architecture of Gaia.

This is deep work, done on your energetic field to support your ascension & soul mission, the activation of divine abundance codes, and the de-activation of separation & scarcity matrix plug-ins to have you anchor into the highest timelines of service and abundance & fulfill your soul mission here on Gaia.

For 15 nights, you shall stay in a stunning villa complex in Greece overlooking the ocean and neighboring islands, with your own beautiful room and access to shared living spaces and a pool.

Breakfast shall be delivered each day, and most meals are included except for the days or evenings when you shall have free time to explore the island in any way you wish.

Cars shall also be provided, as we will travel to sacred places during our journey & you may wish to explore and go places on your days/evenings off.

We begin our official journey in Ikaria on the 26th of June. Yet there shall be some prework to receive on the member’s site, plus we shall deliver 3 bonus live events to prepare you for the retreat.

These 3 bonus events shall be recorded and added to the member site for those who enroll closer to the date of the retreat.

To support your Embodiment of this Leadership & Creation Codex, we shall be together for 7 months.

This includes:

⚜️ 15-night retreat in Greece

⚜️ 13 x Quantum Coaching & Embodiment of Higher Realm – Webinars.

Soul embodiment, quantum memory, multi-dimensionality, channeling the higher realms, co-creating with advanced water, color, and solar technology, and receiving from Councils of Light, a journey to embody higher realm leadership, abundance, & your divine soul mission.

⚜️ Private trance-channeled sessions with Polina and private-channeled sessions with Gaby.

You shall receive private sessions with us to support the precise embodiment of your celestial and god/goddess avatars and unique codes and initiations that are just for your soul’s ascension & divine missions with Gaia & Source.

⚜️ A membership website with prework and all recordings of our retreat, webinars & private sessions for lifetime access.

You shall receive a membership portal to access all our session recordings for life.

⚜️ Private Facebook coaching group & leadership community.

If this deeply resonates, and you feel your soul calling you to this sacred journey to embody your higher realm avatar selves and co-create a new planet with source consciousness,

Please book a phone consultation with us.

This is no ordinary phone call; it shall align you into higher timelines of consciousness to support you with your soul mission & ascension, so please come ready and open to be served at the highest, as you explore if taking this powerful ascension and soul mission evolution journey is in alignment for you at this time right now.

Please click the link to find out more & book a call with us.
Eternal Code: https://gabykowalski.org/eternal-code/

Much love,
Polina, Gabriela & the Eternal Code Team of Light