Lions Gate is kicking me in the bum 🤯” says Ryan.
You totally didn’t mention this on your Tinder profile 🤣🤣”
Hehehe 🤣🤣🤣,” I say ☺️
Before we met Ryan didn’t even know what Lions Gate was, and now he (along with us all) is going through the most potent one yet.
I’m still in awe of how amazingly he is doing and how he keeps his awesome sense of humor through all the initiations ❤️🤯❤️
This Lions Gate Season is different from previous years for many reasons, and I felt compelled to share more about it with you all today, because many of you are going through process after process right now, and it’s been a bit FULL ON 🤯🫶
Here is one of the main reasons the frequencies can feel overwhelming:
As Gaia ascends, her Golden Grids are coming fully online.
The Golden Grids are a quantum architecture that co-create with, and portal into, The Golden Realms.
The Golden Realms and The Celestial Realms are the closest realms to Source, and for a long time on our planet, we have had memory and access to The Celestial Realms (although this has often been a bit distorted), yet not many have had access to and memory of The Golden Realms.
The Golden Realms hold libraries of “Abundance,” and abundance truly is our organic form.
For humanity to live upon Gaia’s highest timelines, we must be a match to her Golden Grids.
Yet humanity has not had its Golden Light bodies and Golden Consciousness active for a very long time.
(Long story as to why, but let’s just say it served an agenda of beings who wished to control us)
The frequency upgrades in this year’s Lions Gate Season are entraining us in “Golden Abundance” and reactivating some of our golden DNA.
This new “Abundance Frequency” is truly our natural organic state, yet because our current civilization has not had access to our golden DNA for a very long time, we are now slowly having it come back online, and its frequency can feel super INTENSE.
Once we stabilize it, though, we shall, as a collective, co-create a new Golden Age for the whole planet.
So please remember that all this is happening FOR YOU and not to you 💛
And everyone truly is doing better than they may perceive right now 💛
If you would love some support integrating these HIGH frequencies and upgrades, I would love to give you recording access to an event called “Ascending in Abundance.”
In this event, I channeled The Golden God & Goddess Realms, and we took everyone through a golden light initiation that will truly help you receive and integrate these current upgrades with more grace and ease.
And if you were one of the 500 souls who registered for this event live, please feel free to receive it again now to gracefully integrate these 8.8.8 frequencies 💛
Click here for FREE access:
Much love,
Also, please go into nature and ask Gaia to support your integration of these HIGH frequencies, as she holds ALL the original blueprints for you and your avatar.
So simply sit or lay in nature, close your eyes, and ask for integration support from Gaia 🌏🌲🍃