You are a fractal of Abundance consciousness creating & co-creating realities!
Please remember this and create more abundance than there ever was before 🫢

Often we are reminded that we are a fractal of source consciousness, yet we are not reminded that source consciousness is formed with:


Many talks of the Love & Light aspects. And I wish to talk with you about the Abundance aspect, as all 3 of these work as one 🫢
If you feel a spark in your heart to explore this beautiful topic please join me and other evolving & ascending souls in a Free Global Channeled event to receive:

  • ALIGNMENT:Β Calibrate your frequency to the frequency of your highest timelines of great ascension to create greater flow & ease realities.
  • EXPLORE:Β The pre-existing grids that make up our shared realities and how to leave grids that no longer serve you & create your own.
  • DISCOVER:Β The ascension Scrolls of Abundance & how to walk along ascension paths in the Higher Realms to grow & evolve gracefully & joyfully.
  • ACTIVATION:Β A Sovereign Money Grid Activation to let go of pre-existing money grids & anchor into the memory of being a fractal of divine abundance.
  • DE-ACTIVATION:Β Receive a quantum surgery to extract aspects of your nervous system from any conscious & subconscious co-dependent entanglement with money, so you and money can both be sovereign.
  • CREATE:Β Your own sovereign grid of abundance and code it with infinite possibilities so as to create realities.

PLUS lots more ☺️

Click here for full details & to reserve your seat:

Much love,

If you can not make it live, register anyway as we shall send Everyone a copy of the reply πŸ’›