I am honored to announce that a free online ascension school for kids will launch in March 2022✨

This is a non-for profit project coming from The Oneness Foundation to offer an online library, teaching webinars and Q&A/Coaching webinars to the children around our earth!

My heart is full as Volunteers are coming from all over the world to take part in this beautiful project 🙏

We are calling in:

✨Spiritual teachers and coaches

✨teachers who have worked in the education system and can share ideas of how to best structure a school for kids of all ages

✨Souls who feel called to spread the word and fill this school with children

✨ Souls who feel deeply called to be part of this & have ideas to share

If you feel a spark in your heart to be part of this please join us for the very first round table meeting for Magic School for Kids & get a feel if this mission is for you!

Our intention is to launch the online school in March 2022, with live classes per week, that serve different age groups.

This school of light shall evolve and grow each month with live teaching classes, Q&A & Coaching Classes, & a digital library that grows and gives our children a place to be supported in their ascension & MultiDimensionality!

In this first meeting I shall share the directives I have received around this mission, and the roles we are to fill in all departments, & together we shall each share any ideas we have to create the most loving and supportive place for the kids who will join us.

Please know that this is a full Co-creation and we each are putting the puzzle pieces together from our shared skills and soul codes to support the New Earth children at the highest!

So, if you feel called to this mission, I am deeply honored to co create with you & wish you to know that your ideas & what downloads for you around this project matters beyond words!

After this webinar, if you feel to stay and be part of this non for profit 100% volunteer based school for kids, we shall have a second round table webinar together to map out all the tasks and contributions.

Please click here to fill out a volunteer application form and register for the Round Table webinar: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/application1638827073394

See you soon!

Much love
Gaby 💜