A Vision comes to life…

Imagine a world where our children grow up with their multidimensional memory and free from the programs that create separation, competition, and scarcity…

Imagine a world where 10, 15, 20 years from now, the youth of today grow up with their soul embodied and create a world beyond survival for all humanity…

Imagine a world where our youth grew up & has the consciousness to create a New Golden Age of Existence for all 💜

Well that is what the FREE Ascension school, called Magic School for teens & kids, is here to for 🙏

And I recently had the honor to be interviewed By Riya from Architects of Destiny to talk about how the future of education is changing and what that means for our world .

Access the full episode here:

Choose Heart Consciousness
Choose 5D
Much Love,
Gaby 💜

Kids & Teens find out all about Magic School & Enrol here: https://oneness-foundation.org/magic-school/

If you would love to Volunteer to run classes on topics like:

💫Emotional Mastery
💫Mental Mastery
💫Physical Evolution
💫Spiritual Ascension
💫Quantum Access & Mastery

Please sign up here: