If we wish to live a life of abundance, then we are required to embody abundance in all our atoms.

Abundance is not about what we have externally,
as that is always changing.

Abundance is a way of being; it’s a state of consciousness and an embodiment of higher libraries of light.

At any given moment, we can choose to co-create with abundance or scarcity.

Those who embody a high quota of abundance, simply ARE abundance incarnate, and no matter what happens in the external world, they can create their own alternate timelines and realities.

This is true FREEDOM: to no longer need to look at what is happening around us for possibilities and limitations, and instead, to create ANYTHING we desire without even one thought of doubt.

The journey of Abundance Embodiment is a powerful Ascension journey where we choose to be guided by Abundance.

Whenever we feel unsure, we ask:
“What would Abundance DO and/or BE right now?”

And then we courageously act upon the answer and follow in the footsteps of abundance until we become it!

If you would love to quantum shift into greater Abundance Embodiment, then please keep reading…

Each of us is our own unique universe, and our quantum architecture is made up of infinite portals connecting us to different realms, frequencies, and libraries of light.

Some of the portals within us connect us to the higher realms, to the remembrance that abundance is all there is, yet some other portals can connect us to distorted perceptions of limitations, scarcity, and survival.

Within our very DNA that is carried over from ancestors, we can hold imprints, frequency signatures, and codes, technology that serve as portals to scarcity, fear, and limitations.

When all frequencies of scarcity within us return back to zero point, and when we activate our organic inner portal network within our heart field to infinite libraries of Abundance, then we shall truly know what abundance is.

Abundance is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be.

Our whole universe reflects this, with infinite galaxies to explore.

And yet somehow, many are still carrying the hypnosis of scarcity and projecting scarcity onto an abundant planet within an abundant universe.

When more and more souls return to abundance together, we will co-create a new world.

We shall all go beyond the fog, beyond the veil of illusion, into the golden grids of truth.

If this resonates and you’re ready to quantum shift in your embodiment of abundance, to activate a portal network within your Multi-dimensional Heart to infinite Higher Libraries of Abundance,

Then please join me in “Codex of Abundance.” We begin on September 2nd with a 4-day event (live or online), and continue with fortnightly online activations and initiations of your Golden DNA.

Click the link below for full details and how to apply:

Much love & abundance,  
Gaby 💛