Our next episode is out:

“RA Consciousness ☀️”

There are many Higher Realm Libraries of Light available for those of us who are truly devoted to our Ascension and are the embodiment of love and abundance on this planet.

The RA libraries of light are some of the most Advanced, holding codes that can rewrite large sections of limited Consciousness into infinite Consciousness in less than a second. 🫶

In this podcast, we go deep on…

⚜️ What is RA Consciousness?
⚜️ When was the first contract with RA?
⚜️ RA in Ancient Egypt?
⚜️ And a powerful channeled message from the Light Libraries of RA, for souls who came here to co-create A New & Loving Earth.

🎥 Access the episode here:


Much love

Gaby, Polina & the Legacy of Light Team 🫶✨


If you are feeling the call of your next expansion in Mission & Leadership and feel a resonance to work together you will love

– Eternal Code –

A 7-month journey into Sacred Leadership and Higher Mission Embodiment.

This includes:

⚜️ 15-night retreat in Greece

⚜️ 13 x Quantum Coaching & Embodiment of Higher Realm – Webinars.
⚜️ Private trance-channeled sessions with Polina and private-channeled sessions with Gaby.

⚜️ A membership website with pre-work and all recordings of our retreat, webinars & private sessions for lifetime access.

Please click the link to find out more & book a call with us:

Eternal Code: https://gabykowalski.org/eternal-code/

Much love,
