Missioned Souls do not create “products”, they create “Mission Coded Offerings” 💫☺️💫

Mission Offerings are coded with our souls Mission codex and have a soul.

They are alive 🙏💫

They also evolve & ascend with us, yet they rely on us to support their ascension.

So for our own graceful Mission evolution & ascension, we are invited to see our offerings as part of ourself and each time we shift timelines, so do our offerings 💫☺️💫

If we do not shift them with us, we can feel a sense of disconnect and often many Missioned souls feel they need to create something new & let go of what they created before…

This means there is a constant restart and not much gets built and grows to its fullest and abundant potential!

What if there was another way??? ☺️

This video is a snippet from The Soul Mission Empire of Light event & shares codes for a more graceful mission ascension & how to take our offerings with us into the new timelines & realities we shift into 💫🙏💛

If you would love to receive the full transmission of this event, please click here for free access as my gift: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/soul-mission-webinar-replay

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💛