We each have a portal network within us to the realms of abundance. For so long within our civilization, this portal network has been inactive, replaced with codes and templates of scarcity, limitations, and fear.

The reason this portal network into our own libraries of Abundant Creation has been restricted is to serve the intentions of lower and middle realm reality (and those who created this architecture).

Yet prior to our current civilization’s exploration of scarcity, fear, comparison, and limitations, many civilizations lived in pure abundance!

Their history is not in our history books, yet it echoes in myths. The reason it is missing is to keep the masses from remembering that they are powerful abundant creators!

If everyone remembers who they are and reactivates their portals to abundance, they shall create their own realities and no longer subscribe to the old ones. The old infrastructure will be no more.

And so, if you believe as I do that it is time for great change, and it is time for all souls to remember:

To remember that abundance is our natural organic form, and scarcity was and is an illusion, a mirage, a hologram, and a programming.

That this planet is a planet of pure abundance!

Gaia is a library of life, filled with an abundance of varieties of humans, animals, plants, insects…

An abundance of diverse land that has us in awe as we travel and explore the uniqueness of each continent and its structures.

An abundance of waters and oceans, that we could swim within every minute of our entire lives and not even come close to exploring the entire water world we live upon.

We live within an abundance of stars in the skies and galaxies in our universe.

If this message resonates, I invite you to join me for this year’s “Codex of Abundance.”

This year, for the first time ever, I shall be taking the souls who join Codex of Abundance through re-activating their inner portal network to abundance and showing them how to access infinite libraries of abundance through the portals, to become the embodiment of abundance in human form.

Please click here for all the details.

Much love,