The reason we feel scarcity is not because we are experiencing it.

It is because it is “within us”, and we reflect it!

Many souls dream of greater financial abundance.

And yet not all are willing to de-code and break through the scarcity aspects within that block abundance codes to embody.

The journey of greater financial abundance embodiment is a journey of expanding our abundance consciousness & letting go “fully” of co-creating with scarcity.

This journey often has us come to the edges of our capacity to hold Abundance Consciousness, and scarcity comes to the surface.

When we embody abundance we can simply hold it in all realities and shift through temporary timelines of less resources with grace.

Once we clear scarcity within us,  we stop creating realties with it 💛

It can show up in ways such as:

⚜️Running low on funds and having thoughts of worry and fear we won’t have enough for upcoming future timelines 😱

💛 In these moments we can allow the fear-based narrative to overtake us.

Or we can regulate our nervous system by going into nature and taking slow, long breaths into our heart and lower belly.

And once our field is calm, we can go within and ask our higher guidance, “What is the higher truth in this moment? Please help me see the abundance all around me”

And channel in perspectives from the higher realms to engage our thoughts instead of the old scarcity ones.

And here we create new Neural pathways of Abundance Consciousness.

Another way this shows up is…

⚜️Desiring something that costs more than we have spent on the said thing before:

For example, our last car was $20k, and the new car we are wanting is $50k
& even though we can afford the repayments, fear and perhaps some anxiety brew in our body, having us heat up and overquestion everything. 😰

💛 In these moments we can contract, deny ourselves the new reality we desire, and step backward from it, having the scarcity subside and go back to its little box in our subconscious where it won’t bother us again until we wish to purchase something similar in the future.

Or we can courageously choose to give ourselves what we desire, step through scarcity, and go beyond it…🦁

Leaving it behind with the past versions of us and ascending into greater embodiment of abundance  🤗🤩

More ways opportunities for expanding our abundance come up are:

⚜️Having something break and needing a new one and stressing out at the unexpected expense. 😥


⚜️ Having an investment not turn out how we had hoped and going into some victim consciousness.😫

In all situations, we can either co-create with scarcity or choose Abundance.

And when we de-code scarcity from our subconscious, we reconstruct the architecture of our field and open new timelines of prosperity.

If you feel like going deeper into embodying abundance I wish to give you free access to my event named:

Increase your Abundance Quota & Create Alternate Realities & Timelines of Your Sovereign Choosing

In this channeled  event recording you shall receive:

  • The First QUANTUM SURGERY for the body – blood & bone clearing, we shall work deeply in your Ancestral lines and your avatar’s DNA to clear a high percentage of scarcity & survival imprints. This work ripples into your family tree and opens new realms of abundance for all souls who share your bloodline.
  • MENTAL body upgrades – to have your mind filter in new perspectives that allow you to see that you are in abundance itself.
  • EMOTIONAL body upgrades to increase the co-creation with love, wonder & appreciation so you can hold the frequency of your desired realities & live them.
  • QUANTUM upgrades, you shall connect to an abundant version of you who shall guide you upon your path & teach you how to be the most abundant version of yourself.
  • PLUS lots more ☺️

Simply click here to access the replay:

Much love
Gaby 🫶