​For over a decade, I held a dream in my heart—a dream of being in a union with my counterpart.

​A dream of having an extraordinary partnership where our love and sexual desire for each other grow beyond imagination each day.

​A union with a man whose heart is fully open, and whose consciousness truly chooses love, peace, joy, play, and abundance to create realities with.
A union with a soul who came to this planet to create a new world with me.
I held the vision of this union for over a decade, never settling for less.
And for over a decade, I opened my heart more and more and more, until I could truly love someone the way I envisioned.
I stripped away all the armor and opened up my infinite capacity to truly love abundantly!
This deep heart work was a full ascension journey and I thank past versions of me for staying on the path because….
Seven months ago, that man I envisioned came into my physical reality.
And now we create beautiful realities together…
Traveling the world, doing grid work, and embodying more and more sacred union codes each and every day.
I love you, Ryan ❤️
Thank you for coming to this planet again and choosing to co-create with me.
Thank you for taking the journey you took to open your heart fully and love me in ways I didn’t even know were possible.