We choose the timelines we live in through the frequency we hold.

When we choose love & abundance—anchored in gratitude—we naturally remain in, or shift to, higher timelines.

No exceptions.

Sometimes, situations arise that activate our nervous system or trigger an old wound. It’s in these moments that we are called to remember this message most deeply.

Choosing love & abundance means leaning into compassion, forgiveness, and trust rather than judgment, lack, or righteousness. It means pausing to ask ourselves:

“How does my higher self, fully embodied in love & abundance see this?”

We all have Higher Selves, an inner council of light, always ready to guide us. All we need to do is ask for their insights, support, and guidance. 💛

Choosing love & abundance is easy when everything is flowing smoothly. Anyone can do that.

Yet choosing true love & abundance—rooted in compassion, forgiveness, and appreciation—when life feels challenging, when things aren’t going to plan, when others behave in ways we don’t prefer, or when we’re triggered into judgment—that’s the path of mastery.

Every time we choose love & abundance in those moments, we reprogram ourselves and become the embodiment of their energy.

When we embody love & abundance, we step into our higher timelines and experience our most delicious realities consistently. 💛