As we continue our ascension journey, we release templates & codes that do not serve us and receive or activate within us new higher realm templates…

Along this divine journey we align more to our soul, our soul blueprint activates more and more & we embody our beloved multidimensional self.

I felt to share a gift to support your integration of the many upgrades you have received in the December 2020 and January 2022 portals!

These past 6 weeks have been very potent and transformational and many are still deeply integrating.

Many are still deeply purging and for some it has been a tough time as so much suppressed trauma from the subconscious has been released and is still releasing 🙏

In this Frequency Thrive videos transmission from 2020, I delivered a Soul Blueprint repair to support the embodiment of our higher selves, soul and integration of light ✨

Plus there are many other little gifts inside to support a more graceful & loving ascension 🙏

Please enjoy this transmission as my gift 💜

Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 😊

If you feel excited to continue your ascension with more support & in the highest timelines, I would love to invite you to find out more about my program called Quantum Magic School: