For those of us who have truly devoted ourselves to ascension and evolution, we get to let go of 3rd-dimensional consciousness and anchor instead into the 5th dimension (or higher!)…💫

Third-dimensional consciousness is based on duality.

It is literally seeing black and white, right and wrong, victim and aggressor, and living within the construct of dualistic consciousness.

This 3rd dimension is not the playground of love and freedom though, because as long as there is this right and wrong duality – we don’t get to experience our true soul.

Our soul is not dualistic. ⚪️⚫️

To be able to access all of who we are, we are invited to shift out of the third-dimensional gridwork architecture. We are invited to first step into the fourth-dimensional architecture, then into the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, and beyond.

And by doing this, we’re able to call back more and more of the different versions of ourselves and experience this multi-dimensionality with love. ✨

Now, there’s nothing wrong with the 3rd dimension! We’ve all chosen to come into this reality for whatever reason.

 We chose to experience the adventure of leaving one conscious architecture and going into another, and therefore what happens is we are on our ascension journey learning how to release and let go of so much.

 I like to envision this release as upgrading our consciousness software.

 We are constantly deleting programs, software, templates, and codes and replacing them with new upgrades as we ascend into higher dimensions.❣️

As we transition into the 4th dimension, we still experience duality. However, in fourth-dimensional consciousness, we have a different experience with TIME.

In 3D consciousness, we experience linear time:

  • Past
  • Present
  • Future

And therefore, so many of us have a lot of past trauma to heal within 3D consciousness…🌟

We find ourselves hooked on other versions of ourselves in the past. 

These versions technically stopped existing in our current consciousness a long time ago, but we still have cords of attachment to those versions of us, based on what we perceived as right and wrong at that time.

We carry these “past selves” with us, and we carry our “future dream selves” with us. Often this means that there’s not as much energy left to be who we actually are!  The old versions of ourselves are long gone, and as for our future versions – there are even more possibilities available than you could imagine!

We get to let go of linear time to come into TRUE PRESENCE.

In the fourth dimensional consciousness, we can access time in a different configuration. In the 4th dimension, we can bend time and it becomes circular. This is why quantum leaps are so possible for those in the 4D consciousness because we can jump from place to place without needing to know the logical explanation. 

However, the 4th dimension still has a sense of duality, of right and wrong.

 When we can shift into 5D, 6D, 7D, and beyond…that is where the architecture of consciousness programming (templates and codes) exists beyond duality.

In these higher realms, we can let go of linear time. We are able to really be present. 😌

We are able to embody into every cell of our being the frequency essence of our higher selves and our divine soul. Meaning the very higher self that guides you now, is the you that you are becoming. Once we embody our higher selves we can truly begin to embody our soul which means that we can observe our consciousness in its expansion with even more love, and walk ascension paths of profound grace & abundance.

Our ascension journey invites us to fully let go of the judgment within duality, to let go of pain and suffering, to let go of right & wrong, and choose love as our guiding force. 🫂

Can you recall a few times that you’ve felt a consciousness of presence and the ability to fully observe and see the world through the eyes of your higher self and your soul?…

Maybe you didn’t maintain that frequency, but you had access to it. 

That beautiful presence, that beautiful love frequency, where time and right and wrong do not exist? That is what we get to anchor deeply into & become, as we ascend.

I deeply honor all souls who choose ascension in this lifetime.

If you feel called to work deeply within the Quantum Field and be the version of yourself that leads your soul’s ascension on earth, please keep reading….

As these words are written, I have 7 spots left for a powerful 7-month ascension journey called Quantum Magic School.

This divine journey shows you how to reprogram your and others’ consciousness software, and that means you shall upgrade 3D & 4D programming with 5D, 6D, 7D & beyond templates and codes!

These 7 months shall fly by, yet feel like years, decades and even lifetimes have passed, as we shall be working within the quantum field where all versions of you are available, beyond the limits of linear time!

If you are one of the final 7 souls to join this journey, please remember it is part of your soul mission to take these quantum shifts & call back more of your soul memory now.

It’s time to remember how to precisely create realties, as you are one of the souls who came here to co-create a New Earth into existence!

This ascension journey is very advanced and so we have a zoom call with all applicants to ensure all souls are truly ready for one of the most profound Quantum shifts of their current existence.

Please click here for full details and to book a complementary zoom consultation:

Our payment plans for this journey begin at $580 AUD per month, so if that aligns please book a zoom call.

With all my heart I am excited to welcome you as one of the final 7 souls to join this beautiful ascension adventure!! 💖

Let’s create a New Earth,
Much love
Gaby 🫶🏽