2025 is a year of deeper soul alignment.

We are taking a powerful shiftβ€”one that blends the quantum and physical realms into a unified field. 🌟

In this journey of ascension, our physical avatar is a vessel of transformation.Β 

Every cell, organ, and system in our body holds codes, programs, and templates. Some of these were inherited through lifetimes of survival, scarcity, and fear.Β 

We are releasing and transforming these old patterns and creating a sovereign bodyβ€”one that vibrates in harmony with our soul’s frequency. πŸ’Ž

And so I wish to share this video transmission of a summit I took part in where I delivered a soul light activation to have you embody even more of your fifth-dimensional consciousness, and reconnect with more of your soul light, gifts, memories, and infinite potential.Β 

As we embody more soul light, we walk upon our highest timelines and create realities of beauty, and abundance and truly receive all life has to offer us.

I hope you enjoy this video transmission 🫢

Much love,
Gaby πŸ’›