​To the souls who came here to co-create a new planet, this is for you!
Beautiful souls, Gaia is undergoing one of her biggest shifts right now.
This transformation at her cellular level began before the Eclipse & continues after it.
She is upgrading her DNA to birth a new version of herself, and the process is very profound.
So many souls are feeling Gaia’s shifts right now and are also taking cellular shifts with her.
So if you have been more tired recently and/or feeling huge shifts within, please remember Gaia is transforming beyond what the mind can possibly comprehend right now, and so are you.
Many Advanced Souls from all over the multiverse have incarnated for this exact time because they ( at a multidimensional soul level ) have mastered how to build new quantum architecture and upgrade the previous.
The old grid-work of our planet was formed from the middle and lower realms, to create realities of separation and scarcity.
The new grids of Gaia are being formed from the higher realms, and coded with a higher consciousness of love, abundance, and unity.
During this big shift, more and more Missioned souls are called by Gaia to remember and embody their higher missions, enter their next mission timelines, and expand their radius of light.
Gaia’s new grids are being built with the support of beings in the Celestial and Golden Realms.
These are the realms closest to Source Light and their libraries of consciousness are very advanced, offering new teachings to our planet that humanity has not had access to before.
We are to fully bridge celestial and golden Consciousness with our body intelligence to embody Love, Abundance, and Unity light and stabilize the new Gaia Grid-work.
The souls who are ready for initiations from the Higher Realms are to upload advanced consciousness into Gaia’s body, supporting her transformation into a 5th, 6th, 7th, and beyond dimensional being.
We share this message with you because we shall be hosting a FREE global online channeled event, where we shall take you into the Golden & Celestial Realms for a profound Higher Mission Activation & deeper embodiment of Unity, Love, and Abundance.
If you feel a deep excitement to discover more about the higher missions on our planet and explore the Golden and Celestial Realms, please join us in this event and receive:
  • MISSION EXPANSION: Expand the radius of your light, access new soul gifts, and open the deeper layers of your soul mission on Gaia to embody greater clarity of what is next in your higher timelines of ascension and service.

  • INITIATION: Fusing your light bodies and your emotional, mental & physical bodies with solar light to activate advanced dormant DNA & open new libraries of light within.

  • ACTIVATION: Enhancing greater access to your Higher Consciousness and capacity to channel higher realm codexes of light.

  • QUANTUM TRAVEL: To the Celestial & Golden Realms for light infusions and higher mission initiations, to stabilize upon your next pathways of ascension and service.

  • EMBODY: Fusing celestial consciousness with your body intelligence for the expansion of your bio-spiritual awakening.

  • ABUNDANCE: Unify your mission templates with divine abundance to open your highest timelines of service and have you embody more abundant light.

  • Plus much much more!
Please know, that this transmission is part of the codex from “The Eternal Code – Greece Retreat” & ALL the souls in this program shall also receive this as part of their pre-work for the full journey, so by joining us, you are experiencing our true body of work as if you were in “Eternal Code” too ☺️💫
If you feel to find out more about “Eternal Code” we shall be happy to give you more details at the end of this event 🫶✨
Please click here to reserve your spot:
Much love, light & abundance,
Polina & Gabriela