I feel the amazing souls around the world who are devoted to their evolution & ascension, and to making a beautiful difference on our planet… And I felt to share this powerful video transmission filled with ways to experience a more graceful timeline of evolution.

This month has been rich with powerful portals & the Souls who are here to bring in the New Earth are currently purging old and outdated templates, codes, DNA imprints, subconscious beliefs and identities ✨

This is so we can hold more light and love, and it is important that during this process of transformation…

We remember that what we purge out is simply frequencies that are not in alignment with our highest timelines of joy, love, abundance and missions.

This is a release of the old, and if we get lost within these frequencies, our evolution process can be a huge pain in the bottom 🙃

So in this video transmission we go deep on:

Symptoms of receiving upgrades 

The process of receiving upgrades 

How to integrate upgrades more gracefully 

How to purge emotions with greater ease 

And lots more 

This is a transmission I was guided to share as a bonus training for all the souls in my programs last year, it served them, and I trust you shall enjoy it also. 

Choose 5D

Much love
