For such a long time, we have been perceiving that we have a highest timeline, that there is this “ONE highest timeline” for us & if we are not on “this” timeline we are failing somehow 🤷🏼‍♀️⁣

This video is a snippet from a webinar I just ran in the New Earth Mission Collective, preparing everyone for our 2-day event next week on Timelines. ⁣

And I deeply felt to share it with the world, as this topic is so important right now!⁣

Right now we are integrating the lions gate upgrades from August and stabilizing into even higher timelines than before!⁣

Right now the libraries of light holding codes about the architecture of time are available to those who are ready to co-create time with source consciousness, the timekeepers & their soul in a new and expansive way!⁣

Please share your thoughts in the comments once you watch this 💛🙏😊⁣

Choose heart consciousness ⁣
Choose 5D⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby ⁣

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