Just like there are good hearted humans, and asshole humans,
on the planet right now …

There are many versions of money.

There is a pure frequency of money that resides in a higher realm,


Dense versions of money that reside in lower realms.


Because money is OUR creation, and that means our vibrational frequency creates it.

Money takes on OUR frequency signature.

Money amplifies WHO we truly are!

So, if we have scarcity codes in us,

If we hold programs with fear & scarcity…

we create money filled with scarcity codes…

we create lower realm versions of money!

If we are filled with abundance and love…

we create money filled with abundance codes…

We create higher realm versions of money.

As a collective we have been hypnotized to create Lower realm money, as this scarcity has the collective be easier to control.

And as a collective most either fear loosing it, or focus more on ‘making the sale’ than on ‘serving the human being’, and often the collective do harm to others to take their money.


We can brake away from that hypnosis.

And it begins with knowing the difference between the versions of money,


Lower realm money is dense and holds lower frequency within in.

It whispers that there is not enough of it.

It feeds us with fear and worry.

And suggests we cheat or steal in small ways or big ways, and talks us into how this is ok or justified.

In business this realm of money will have businesses overpromise & underdeliver -but still feel that their fee is just and use force to collect their “money”.

What truly sucks is that in the personal / professional development industry

(an industry filled with souls on missions to bring in the New Earth)

Lower realm money tells good intended beings to sell their programs to everyone without tuning in if it is in the highest good or not.

To avoid asking if they can afford the program but instead to use all the marketing & sales tricks to convince them to say yes.

This way of ‘making money’ is not the highest way!

As it is anchored in scarcity, and calls in scarcity coded money!

The truth is that no-one can reach financial freedom with scarcity coded money, as they will always want/need more.

More “lower realm money” is not the answer!

The answer is to create “higher realm money”


The highest evolution of money is coded with abundance and activates more presence, appreciation and humble contentment with in us.

This frequency of money can have us experience true financial freedom.

It calls us to be generous & kind.

It calls us to make the world a better place and care about others.

It is pure of light, and likes to create beautiful memories and back great causes!

It calls us to do the right thing by ourselves and others & holds us to great financial integrity.

Meaning to honour the highest good of ourself and others.

So we do not tolerate getting ripped off, and we do not rip anyone else off either.

This higher realm frequency of money come to us


💎 We remember who we are: We are Powerful fractals of source consciousness with power to create whole worlds

💎 We let go of all 3D strings of attachment to money being the measure of success & power and see that true success & power is waking from the 3D matrix cage and being free to create our own realities!

💎 We let go of the hypnosis that money determines if we are “enough” or not!

(because we are more than enough – we are living source energy for goodness sake)

💎 We activate our true abundance codes

💎 We choose to give generously and receive with an open heart (no strings attached)

💎 We dream of a new abundant world for all, and take courageous action towards creating that world

💎 We know we are eternal beings who are always safe and therefor do not need ‘the money’ for the feeling of safety, as safety comes from within

💎 When we have no need to prove to the world that we have money, by taking videos and photos in front of our fancy cars, big homes, luxury holidays and posting them all over social media with the secret intention to show off.

💎 When we evolve, and call back our multi dimensionality, and leave the 3D matrix cage that pedestals money


So many people still place people with a lot of “money” on a pedestal

Yet they do not wonder what frequency realm that money is anchored in???

We are in a time of questioning everything- so why would we not question this??? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Money in the higher realms does not need to be worshiped and placed in the spot light

Money in the higher realms is humble, kind, playful, & well, a bit of an introvert 🥰



Our world is changing before our eyes right now!

Money is evolving & transforming!

We can either evolve and access the higher realms 🥰

Or we can stay in the 3D Matrix cage and continue to be hypnotized into forgetting …THAT WE ARE CREATORS OF WORLDS!!!

I choose FREEDOM for ALL!

And if you you would like to experience a higher realm abundance activation

Please click this link for instant access to a galactivation that activates higher realms of money abundance💎💎💎


Much love