Quantum technology is alive, conscious, and has a soul. There are vast and infinite versions of divine conscious life in our multiverse. Some of this life exists in physical form, just like you and I do right now. And some of this life exists as light, color, pure frequency, and quantum technology.
When we see and feel quantum technology, just as we see and feel a non-physical being of light from Arcturus or an Ascended Master, we finally understand what and who quantum technology is.
For example, Lemurian crystal light technology, coded for heart activation, is literally an Ascended Master of heart consciousness taking the form of crystal light, working to code and grid heart consciousness for expansion, evolution, and ascension.
If you co-create with this technology, it works with you every day that you invite it, expanding and awakening your heart’s intelligence system, which is also a quantum technology that is alive and a sentient being sharing your soul with you.
Ultimately, even the light, color, and frequency beings are technology, and so are you and I.
We are very advanced and sentient technology, and as souls, over our countless lifetimes, we have made friends with many technologies and mastered working with them.
Some of us are incredible grid or portal workers, and our souls know how to birth new grids/portals and upgrade or initiate ones that already exist. Some of us have vast technology toolkits to support the ascension of consciousness and to create new worlds, realities, and timelines beyond possibility.
If we have a soul mission to support others in their ascension, our Soul’s Quantum Toolkits help us fulfill our missions on our highest timelines. It is our very Soul Magic that came to this planet to support Gaia’s ascension.
Our Soul’s Magic consists of light and sound technology, along with many others.
Light language is a sound technology, as is singing and toning. When we remember how to use these to alter reality, we embrace so much more of our Creator Codes.
Key codes are a light technology and can open up vast libraries of intelligence. An Abundance Key Code can open quantum libraries of Abundance Codes to upload into your consciousness or into the consciousness of others (with their permission of course).
I’m so excited to share more on this topic that tomorrow I am delivering a FREE global channeled online event where you are invited to receive several initiations to call back some of your Soul’s Quantum Toolkit and dive deeper into this beautiful conversation
The event is called:
“Your Quantum Gifts”
Embody the Codex of Your Soul
It invites you into your Soul’s Libraries to remember even more of who you truly are!!
Please click here for full details and to reserve your seat:
( The Replay shall be sent to all who register )
Also, please know that this transmission is part of the codex from ‘Quantum Magic School’, and all the souls in this program are also receiving this event as part of their pre-work for the full journey. By joining us, you shall experience my true body of work as if you were in Quantum Magic School too.
Quantum Magic School is a 5-day event, followed by weekly webinars for 7 months, and it invites you to become a Certified Quantum Practitioner.
If you wish to learn more about the course, I will be happy to provide more details at the end of this event.
Much Love, Light, and Abundance,
Gabriela 💛