The true purpose of evolution and ascension is LOVE 💛

All over the universe, every single fractal of source consciousness, every being, regardless of what dimension they reside in, is on a consistent evolution and ascension journey.

Many of us feel the invitation to continue stepping into new grids and new configurations of consciousness to keep expanding our capacity to receive love. We also see that so many other beings all over the universe are taking the shift with us.

The true purpose of evolution and ascension is actually the ability to
hold more love,
more compassion,
more humility,
more kindness,
more grace,
more genuine happiness,
more presence,
to truly be in the moment of now,
to live in wonder and appreciation,
to live in embodied abundance,
knowing fully with every fiber of your being,
that we are creators of realities embodying the most divine wisdom of the universe and living that way day to day.

As we take the journey of fully activating our heart field, and our heart consciousness, we harmonize within our oversoul network, any configurations or lifetimes we’ve had here and beyond that aren’t resonant in unity so they can dissolve.

And this is why LOVE is at the root of our ascension and evolution.

If you would love to receive more codes on Ascension and Hartfield expansion, I invite you to check out my podcast Legacy of Light:

Much love
G 💛