There is No Hierarchy in 5D Business!
We are all sovereign and equally precious!

You may notice that I do not prefer to use the word YOU much in my content,
& instead, I like the word WE.

I do this very consciously 🤓🥰

And I do this because using the word YOU, when talking about changing a negative behaviour or when talking about problems/ challenges, isolates and picks on the reader.

Please feel the difference :


WE all have a choice and can choose to be kind to each other


YOU have a choice and can choose to be kind to others

—— which one expands your energy field and which one feels contracting?

A) places us all together in unity and one equal playground ☺️☺️

😎 Separates us and places the writer on a bit of a pedestal – plus it is pointing the finger a bit at the reader, suggesting they are not doing the right thing 🤷🏼‍♀️

Do you feel the difference in frequency ??

When we create content online, we can let go of the old ways of communication which separate us and create hierarchy.

By using the word WE, we can unite us all and add the 5D frequency of love, vulnerability, compassion and oneness to the world.

For so long, marketing has lowered the frequency of the people,

Using positioning and scarcity to manipulate beautiful beings.


So we feel we are NOT ENOUGH & buy stuff to fix that 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yet, we are all powerful creators of worlds, & we are all MORE THAN ENOUGH,

And that means we can choose to purchase products and services for our expansion and enjoyment because our higher self/soul guides us towards them.

Not because we have FOMO, and not because we have been programmed by Marketing to feel we are NOT ENOUGH without something!!!!!!!!

The new way of doing business is so different from the old way,

Because it is no longer anchored in disempowering and tricking our human brothers and sisters into purchasing our stuff!!

Using our minds & every clever strategy to
“Make Sales”!!!

The new way of business is from our hearts, 🤍

and co-creates with our higher selves and soul, guiding us in our soul mission each step of the way.

The new way of doing business is focused on
“Empowering & truly serving souls”

And that means EVERYTHING we have ever been taught about business gets to evolve and change,

To align with
“Empowering & Serving Souls”

Instead of
“Getting Sales”

This is a completely different way of doing business … completely!!!!

And the empowering & serving begins with our marketing and sales processes.

Our marketing gets to Code the Internet with the frequency that aligns to our offerings.

And our sales systems get to be anchored in abundance and service & offer expert guidance to the soul enquiring, and not simply using every sales trick in the book to “get a sale” ☺️

Please imagine a world that no longer programs humanity with:

YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH and need to buy this stuff to BE ENOUGH!!

And instead, all business owners truly come from serving the ones who wish to receive from them.

And all staff members are appreciated and honoured for their contributions.

It’s a beautiful new world, right? 🥰🌏

This new world won’t create itself…

WE, get to create it together ☺️☺️☺️

And one way we do that is by leaving the old 3D business grid

& choosing to have an abundant 5D business that changes our world for the better!

If we are in business and passionate about our evolution & creating a New Earth,

it truly is important that we run our business in Alignment with the frequency of the New Earth we are here to create ☺️

I have the honour of founding and running
The New Earth Mission Collective – 5D Business School 🤓❤️🧙‍♀️🦹🏼‍♀️👑🧙🏼🦸🏻‍♂️

This is a place for New Earth Mission Souls to come and receive 5D business Templates of Co-Creation, Abundance & Soul Mission Service.

To re-create our planet with 5D Mission Kingdoms & Empires and bring in the New Earth!

Our doors are always open to those truly ready and excited to receive, evolve, ascend and change the world ❤️

If you are feeling this call to anchor into the 5D business grid, please click here:

Choose 5D

If you would like to experience more 5D Business teachings…

Here is a gift:
The New Earth Mission Empire Codex Activation

This is an Online Event Recording that has you Activate more 5D Business templates & raise your mission business to a higher timeline of Divine Service and Abundance.

This transmission also shares all the different projects we work on together in The New Earth Mission Collective – 5D Business School ☺️