The time has come for us to remember…

We are all one 🙏

When we choose to hold more love and compassion in our hearts, we have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of our soul.

Have you noticed that Humanity has been dividing ????

For example:

Side A … “protests and questions the true intension of everything, to gain freedom…”

Side B …. “Asks for people to follow the rules and stay home, to gain freedom……”
Both sides seem to see the other side as a threat!

Yet, we ask us to remember, that anger, resentment, aggression and frustration do not create the realities we prefer.

There is a way to share information void of shaming, blaming, anger, fear…

It’s time for us to unite, and see that both sides have the same mission…

To have all this end & for us all be free!! 🙏

This is not a time to fight amongst each other, and create a deep division between us.

It’s time to see, we all desire the same thing and are simply, (at this moment in time) choosing different paths to that destination.

The more we blame & shame each other, the more division we create.

That means, WE are creating this division, and WE have the power to stop that continuing 🙏

We can choose to meet those with different views and beliefs in-between timelines, where there is kindness and understanding.

If humanity continue down the path of division, we can end up in realities were the value of individual lives of those who do not believe as we do, diminishes.

And these are not ideal timelines to create, wouldn’t you agree??

We all have a Soul, a beating heart, a mother, a father, people who love us, and people we love, and ALL our lives Matter, if you cut us, we all bleed.

It’s time to heal the illusions of separation with in!!

It’s time to UNITE 💜

Imagine if we all chose this daily intention…

“Today I choose to see that we all desire the same thing – for this all to end!

And i choose to show understanding and compassion to those who see things differently than I do
I choose to find an in-between timeline to meet them on

I choose unity, compassion, love and kindness today.”

Choose 5D
Much love

Gaby & Kelly