When we talk of shifting into 5D, what we really mean is…

We evolve to hold more light & embody our soul…

We awaken our heart consciousness, & choose love as our guiding force… We embody more Abundance Codes of Light, & reflect more light from every atom of our being!!

And when we are this version of ourselves, we reflect and create realities of love, joy & abundance ☺️

Simple right? 😉 well it can be, yet there is a vital part to this journey not often spoken about!

Part of our journey of evolution & ascension is to heal and purge density from our emotional, mental, physical, spiritual & quantum realms 🤮🥴🤕

And the other part is to hold a high light quota, as this can more effortlessly release density from our field & allows the stabilization of 5D and above templates✨

Increasing light quota is the Key… & Higher realm Abundance Codes hold a concentrated multidimensional codex of pure crystalline light ✨

In short, our atoms require to be made of more light and be more crystalline & this allow us to stabilize higher frequency templates & codes and upgrade our full operating system ☺️

The best part is, not only does holding more light allow us to heal faster, it enables us to receive a huge amount of upgrades faster & more effortlessly too ☺️

When we hold more light, & upgrade to 5D & above templates, we shift out of denser realities where fear & duality thrives, into realities where love & unity thrive!!

This is how we are accessing & creating 5D realities & timelines of existence.

One ascension path that is not spoken about much, or at all though, is the path of abundance.

A path of receiving , repairing & resorting the Codex of Higher Realm Abundance!!

Each Higher Realm Abundance Code we integrate & embody, changes us at a multi dimension level and re-writes our past, present and future timelines.

Each Higher Realm Abundance Code rapidly increases our light quota ✨☺️

It does that because higher realm Abundance codes are made of pure crystalline light ✨

Here is the cool part, when we expand the light within & can maintain it…

That light within transforms density faster than any healing modality ☺️

Meaning ‘light’ can heal trauma in seconds, ☺️ where traditional methods can take decades or lifetimes 🤕

So when we choose to also invite more Abundance Light Codes into our ascension journey and choose to continue receiving more and more each month ….

Our ascension becomes more graceful because we hold a very high light quota & can replace the 3D templates with 5D templates & let go of duality with greater ease & flow 💜

If this resonates, I would love to give you access to the replay of:

“The Codex of Higher Dimensional Abundance Event“ ✨🎥

This was an online global event where I shared a technology offering you to upload new Higher Realm Abundance Codes when ever you like & take a more loving and abundant journey of ascension ✨

And if you already received this event, please reply & let me how it was for you 💜🙏✨

If you have not received it yet, please click here, enter your email & we shall email you this event replay as our gift: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/codex-abundance-webinar-replay111

Choose Heart Consciousness.
Choose 5D.
Much Love,
Gaby 💜

I also have a beautiful course called “Codex Of Abundance”, & if you have a full body excitement to increase your divine light quota and stabilize more Codes of Abundance into every atom of your being.

Please click here to find out more: https://gabykowalski.org/abundance-codex/