As we all receive this bath of Light Codes during the Lions Gate portal, I felt to share a little transmission from Magic School with you.

This Lions Gate portal is the most potent one yet, and offers us all HUGE quantum shifts into new realities of Abundance, Sovereignty & an expansion of our Soul Missions.

So much is purging, & leaving the field to make way for a new way of relating with ourself, others and our world.

Honoring all the souls who continue to choose love as their guiding force and purge aspects of fear & scarcity through this portal πŸ™

Honoring all the souls who choose to remember that this is temporary & soul approved, and there are many gifts on the other side πŸ™

Honoring all the souls expanding their light quota to stabilize more love on earth, right now & for all future timelines πŸ’›πŸ™

Choose Heart Consciousness
Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby πŸ’œ