Our blood connects us to our family in truly incredible ways.
Your children, parents, siblings, and expanded family that share your blood, form a network, a collective unified field, & that network shares codes through the blood.

This is not a physical exchange, it is a quantum exchange, similar to the concept of airdrop on our phones.
When we share blood, we have a quantum connection to each other, and our light codes get shared with our bloodlines through this connection.

So that means that when one of you grows, evolves, & ascends..
Everyone who shares your blood receives upgrades also 🫶💛🫶

I have watched my beloved parents expand their light quota year after year as I continue my ascension.

With each expansion of
Love, Light & Abundance I take …

I see them shift also 🫶💛🫶

( not as much as me 😉🛸🦄🧝‍♀️🧙‍♀️,
yet WOW, their frequency has grown so much & they deeply respect the work that I do )

One of the biggest fears we have in our ascension is that we will leave our family behind….
That we shall be left alone, or our family shall be left behind.

Yet this is not accurate.

Firstly as shared above, we share light codes with our bloodlines..

And secondly,
Ascension is the expansion of our Love Quota 😍
(Our Love Quota is the mass & volume of love we embody)

And the more loving we are, the more compassionate and judgment-free we are.

And that means even if our beloved family is still in 3D consciousness, we can accept them as they are fully, unconditionally, the way we accept that our pets are a different species & we love them fully anyway 💛

This means the greatest gift we can give our family, is the gift of our own ascension.

Because as we ascend, our blood gets re-coded with Light, Love & Abundance Codes, our DNA changes & we upload that to our bloodline network, all while being able to love our family even more than ever before 🫶

If you would love to increase the Light, Love & Abundance codes that reside in your blood, & share that with your beloved bloodlines, here is the recording of a Blood re-set and Blood Abundance coding transmission as my gift: https://gabykowalskiglobal.com/the-scrolls-of-abundance-replay

Much Love, Light & Abundance,
Gaby 🫶