Missioned souls are souls who expand the architecture of light all over the multiverse.
Each missioned soul on our planet was chosen to come at this time, as they have their own unique codes, talents, skills & gifts for transforming Architecture.
As we embody more of our soul code consciousness and remember who we are as infinite eternal beings, our higher missions come online, and this is when we walk the most delicious pathways of Ascension and Service.
Our Missions on this planet are a direct reflection of our Soul’s unique codes, gifts, and talents. 🫶 So this means our higher Missions activate as we embody our Soul!
Join us for an upcoming FREE global event to have you embody more of your divine soul code consciousness.
In this event we shall go deep into the Higher Missions we came here for, and we shall travel to the celestial and golden realms to receive initiations of mission remembrance and soul code embodiment.
Please click the link below for all the details and to register your spot:
Much love, light & abundance,
Gaby & Polina💛 ( @oversoullight )