Would you stay in your ivory tower, or would you walk amongst the villages and connect with your people???⁣

I will always choose to walk amongst the people 🙏💜👑⁣

New Earth Leadership has HUMILITY and LOVE as it’s guiding force.⁣

As our Mission Kingdoms & Empires (businesses) expand, we become even more loving, even more humble, even more kind, appreciative & compassionate.⁣

Hierarchy templates that created our outdated current world are anchored in 3rd density consciousness.⁣

And only a leader with a hierarchy and/or guru template would choose to isolate in an ivory tower away from their people and tell them what to think, do and be!⁣

So that means that in order to create a New Earth, we let go of hierarchy templates, and instead of having a leader sit upon a throne above the people they serve…⁣

The New Earth leader sits with their people around a round table & honours each one👑💜⁣

Here is why:⁣

👑 In 1D consciousness their is only 1 perspective…⁣
Everything & nothing exists at the same time!⁣

👑 In 2D consciousness their is a second perspective …⁣
DUALITY as we know it exists and is all there is!⁣

👑 In 3D consciousness their is 3 perspectives⁣
Duality, Space & Time !!⁣
Here we experience -Past- present – future & hierarchy consciousness!⁣

👑 In 4D consciousness their is a 4th perspective – everything in 3D is seen all at once & so this is TIMELESS consciousness⁣

All time exists NOW⁣

Time is no longer linear, it is circular and so we can experience HUGE change in short periods of linear time.⁣

👑 In 5D consciousness their is a 5th perspective – ONENESS⁣

All parts make up the whole & therefor are whole – duality ceases to exist in is old form & becomes ONE!⁣

This is why the New Earth Leader knows they are part of the team and the people and chooses to honour each for their contribution.⁣

The New Earth Leader knows that EVERYONE plays their own instruments that create the symphony that is what we call reality! 🎸🥁🎹🎺🎻📯🎷🪕🎼⁣

Each instrument is a beautiful gift and a divine fractal of source consciousness 🥰⁣

There is great reverence and appreciation for the Leader, yet their is no feeling less than, or smaller & unworthy or insignificant around them.⁣

If this loving form of Leadership deeply resonates, & you feel called to continue your ascension & build/scale a true Mission Kingdom or Empire of Light,⁣

I would love to invite you to join The New Earth Mission Collective and receive:⁣

Activations, Upgrades and Guidance from Me and:⁣

The Galactic Federation⁣
12D Ascended Masters⁣
Inner Earth Councils of Light⁣
Councils of light⁣
Angelic Realm⁣

Plus all the resources I have created and collected over the years to build and scale my Abundant Mission Empire of Light.⁣

Join me to Bring in the New Earth for the Collective Consciousness on Our Planet, and Shift into Higher Frequency Planes of Existence.⁣

Please click here for full details: https://gabykowalski.org/new-earth-mission-collective/

Choose 5D⁣
Much love⁣
Gaby 💜