A couple of days ago we delivered a powerful online event, over 300 souls registered for this and we felt to share it with you in case you missed it 🫶🫶
If you were one of the souls to join us live, thank you, we had such a beautiful time with you!
And if you missed the event please keep reading …. 📖
⚜️ Gaia is undergoing one of her greatest shifts right now ⚜️
She is gently transforming by welcoming new energies into her own electromagnetic field to facilitate this profound evolution timeline for all sentient beings to explore and experience.
From the beginning of April, we as a collective are going through an upgrade of our individual Fields and many energetic structures that are essential for the fulfillment of our mission on this planet.
There are extremely high cosmic energy transmissions entering the planetary grid network from the current solar symbiosis.
This process activates the surfacing process for personal observation and collective consciousness clearing of outdated programs.
In short, many souls are going through a tremendous growth spirt with Gaia right now in preparation for their next soul missions.
If you are one of these souls, please remember that you and other advanced souls from all over the multiverse have incarnated for this exact time, because ( at a multidimensional soul level ) you have mastered how to build new quantum architecture and upgrade the previous.
The old grid-work of our planet was formed from the middle and lower realms, to create realities of separation and scarcity.
The new grids of Gaia are being formed from the higher realms, and coded with a higher consciousness of love, abundance, and unity.
During this big shift, more and more Missioned souls are called by Gaia to remember and embody their higher missions, enter their next mission timelines, and expand their radius of light.
Gaia’s new grids are being built with the support of beings in the Celestial and Golden Realms.
These are the realms closest to Source Light and their libraries of consciousness are very advanced, offering new teachings to our planet that humanity has not had access to before.
We share this message with you because we now offer you replay access to our “Higher Mission Embodiment” event, where we go deep into the Higher Missions upon Gaia.
In this event we invite you to receive a powerful Soul Code initiation from the Celestial Realms, the Golden Light of Abundance from the Golden Realm, A Higher Mind Initiation from Sirius B, plus many other gifts and codes, to support you to walk upon your highest, most loving and abundant mission timeines.
Please click here to access the replay as our gift:
Much love, light & abundance,
Polina & Gabriela